Have a live online experience with me.
The ultimate expansion and transformation option
I will open a space for the impossible to become possible.
You are more powerful because of your past.
No one has your unique blueprint or experiences.
Let's expand your gifts and bring life into every area of your life.
Are you ready?
It's time.
The live webinars take place on Zoom and are streamed also on YouTube.
You will be able to access a LIVE VIDEO call with me and experience my work and receive the lastest energy updates and keys for your transformation.
After the live event you get access to the recordings.
Each webinar is unique and the recordings are living fields, which supports you in the exact state you are in.
Every time you watch them your consciousness will expand.
After the payment you will receive a confirmation email from Digistore24, it contains the link for the webinar, you can join live via Zoom or watch it live via YouTube.
The Recording: you have the possibility to watch it again online via YouTube or download the file Video + extra Audio only file from our Dropbox.
Return policy: no return possible after 60 days
Damien Wynne
Email: info @ damien-wynne.com